By Michael DeMarco on Monday, 03 March 2014
Category: IT Blog

29% of The World is Still Running Windows XP!

Microsoft's popular operating system Windows XP is scheduled to have its support end on April 8. Microsoft has been telling the world about the need to upgrade for years, and most users have gotten the memo and either upgraded to a newer OS or they're at least making plans to. However, 29% of the world's computers are still running Windows XP!

Due to the sheer popularity of Windows XP, the world is facing a unique security situation that it's never seen before. The reason it's such a big deal to upgrade from an OS that has its support end (expired), is because software support from the manufacturer is a critical piece of the security equation keeping a user's information safe from hackers. Without Microsoft on the virtual frontlines defending users from the most current viruses, users become very vulnerable.

With 29% of the world's computers running a 12 year-old operating system that was discontinued five years ago, this translates to an enormous amount of PCs to upgrade in a short period of time. As it currently stands, China is leading the way with a market share of Windows XP computers sitting at 25%.

Every user has their own reasons for choosing to stick with Windows XP, but for organizations, the decision to stick with XP may be primarily a financial one. To give you an idea of how much money it would cost XP-loving countries to upgrade, we can look at Japan. In 2013, a survey found that the Japanese government was opting to keep 200,000 of its computers on Windows XP because the price tag to upgrade all of them totaled $2.4 billion. The price to upgrade 29% of the world's computers would be more than most nations' GDP.

If you're hesitant to upgrade your business from Windows XP, then call COMPANYNAME at PHONENUMBER and talk to us about your concerns. If you're too comfortable with Windows XP to try a different OS, then know that in a situation like this, the need for dependable security is more important than "sticking with what has always worked." Also, if you're hesitant to upgrade from XP because you think it will be too pricey or too labor intensive of a project, then ask us for a quote on what it would take to upgrade your company's workstations.

You may be surprised to learn that it costs less to upgrade than what you may have originally thought. Plus, COMPANYNAME can come up with a software implementation plan that can work around your budget in order to get your system up-to-date. Reach out to us today at PHONENUMBER to make sure that you're ready for April 8!

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