By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 26 February 2016
Category: Best Practices

3 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your IT Infrastructure

Every business wants to be equipped with the latest and greatest IT equipment and software. Yet, due to realities like budget shortcomings, time constraints, and the lack of knowledge about IT trends, it can be difficult for the average SMB to attain that dream technological setup on their own. However, by being smart about how you approach IT, your company can still have a network that exceeds your expectations.

Here are three basic guidelines that every SMB should build their IT strategy around. These best practices are designed to allow organizations to make the most with what they’ve got. At the end of the day, approaching IT in this manner is a classic case of why it’s best to work smarter.

Be Careful of Spreading Yourself Too Thin
Staff members tasked with overseeing a company’s technology are often given more responsibility than they initially signed up for. Employees having schedules stretched thin like this results in being bogged down in the details, like maintenance and repair jobs. This causes big picture initiatives to remain elusive. Every business needs the kind of IT support that moves a company forward, instead of the kind that just puts out fires. To that end, COMPANYNAME can help.

By outsourcing routine IT maintenances and repairs to COMPANYNAME, we’ll be able to free up your IT staff to research and implement bigger and better IT solutions. This co-managed IT approach isn’t meant to replace your trusted in-house IT staff (if you have one); instead, it’s designed to give them a needed boost. Actually, this basic principle applies to every aspect of business: where you’re stretched too thin, outsource and delegate the responsibility to someone else so you can have time freed up to work on more urgent matters.

Align Your IT Priorities and Your Company Goals
It’s impossible to do it all; this is where making priorities come into place. An IT strategy that doesn’t have clear priorities and goals will waste money on keeping current systems running (even if they’re outdated), and risk purchasing solutions that aren’t really needed. Both of these examples are a waste of money. By taking time to prioritize on what your company needs out of its technology, you’ll end up with a network that you’ll actually need, instead of wasting time and money on technology that you may only think you need.

In order to assist your business with prioritizing in exactly what it needs, COMPANYNAME is here to offer our support as professional IT consultants. We take the time to really get to know your company’s goals so that we can align them with a supportive IT strategy. Your business only stands to come out on top from consulting with IT experts.

Have a Plan to Accommodate Growth
Today’s technology changes rapidly, and successful businesses are rewarded with growth. These two facts are intertwined, and organizations that can’t make this connection will fall short in both arenas. Having your network prepared for the next one, two, and even five years worth of growth will save you a whole lot of headaches and money in the long run. For example, if you have a good idea of where your business will be three years from now, then invest extra money today in IT equipment that can handle future demand, instead of having to totally revamp your IT systems once every year due to unforeseen growth.

It’s also important to keep in mind that enterprise growth must account for the increasing demands of new technology. Take for example the growing network demands of having more mobile devices on your network and hogging your bandwidth. Having an IT strategy in place that accounts for this surge in network traffic will pay off when the amount of mobile and IoT devices doubles over the next few years (which is what the current trend is).

Does your current IT strategy take into account these three fundamentals? Do you even have an IT strategy to guide your technology decision making? If you answered negatively to one or both of these questions, then your business is likely stuck in a technology rut and you would benefit greatly by having an external IT company like COMPANYNAME assess the current state of your business’ IT operations. Give us a call at PHONENUMBER and forever change how your organization approaches IT.

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