By Michael DeMarco on Monday, 14 July 2014
Category: Miscellaneous

Android Users Prefer Beer

For years now, the technology world has witnessed a battle rage between iOS and Android enthusiasts. Anybody familiar with this tech battle always suspected that generalities can be drawn between both camps. Now, there's research to prove it!

The recent study was performed by Battery Ventures, a venture capital firm. The study's results can both give you ammunition for your own device debates, as well as help with your company's marketing efforts. Here are a few of the most notable conclusions drawn from the study:

Android Users: More Likely To...

iOS Users: More Likely To...

After reviewing this list, your mind may be racing to fit people that you know into these stereotypes, or you may even see yourself in some of these generalities. Or, you may even deem this list to be hogwash because you're an iPhone user that eats at McDonalds. Then there are other smartphone users that aren't even considered, like Windows Phone and Blackberry users.

This study has uses that extend far beyond determining what kind of smartphone users you should socialize with. Data like this can help you make better marketing decisions for your business. For example, if you own a brewery or a hardware store, then you will want to focus your mobile marketing efforts on the Android platform. If you're a financial planner, then making an iPhone app for your business will be a smart move.

Marketing your business on a mobile platform is no longer an option. The latest smartphone user statistics make mobile marketing out to be a solid investment for your company's advertising efforts.

Your smartphone says a lot about you, maybe even more than you realize. To learn about the best way to utilize mobile technology for your business, call COMPANYNAME at PHONENUMBER.

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