By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 08 November 2019
Category: BSSG Blog

Are You Properly Securing Your Server Room?

Your servers are critical to the successful performance of your business’ technology. As a result, it is important that you do everything you can to keep them secured. Here, we’ve assembled some basic security practices to start you off.

Permission-Based Access Control

You want to keep the number of people given access to your servers to a minimum. It isn’t as though most of your users really need access to it, so why leave it open to potential threats? By leveraging the capabilities that access control now has - such as permission-based privileges - you can minimize these potential threats by simply preventing many of these potential events from happening.

Use Various Alarms

On the topic of restricted access, you want to make sure that you are aware of those times that someone attempted to access your server room without the requisite permissions. This is why you should equip your server room with a system to alert you when someone has done just that. Beyond that, your servers need to be protected in terms of climate, as well. With the very real risk of fires in the server room, you need various fire alarms, extinguishers, and fire suppression systems. On the flip side, moisture is another issue for your infrastructure, so you should consider adding moisture-detection systems.

Backup Power Supplies

Sudden power loss can be a huge problem for workstations and other pieces of your infrastructure, including your servers. In order to protect them, you need to make sure that your servers are supported by a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) so you can avoid these problems if your business encounters a power-loss issue.

Locks! Locks Everywhere!

Naturally, you’ll want to lock the door to the server room - as established in the section on permission-based access control. However, you shouldn’t stop there. Why not secure the actual infrastructure in your server room itself? Otherwise, someone who gained access to the server room could pluck a hard drive out and make their escape with all the data that hard drive contained. This includes things like your cables, switches, and other pieces of infrastructure as well.

Keep an Eye on It

Touching back onto the importance of monitoring access to your server room, why not keep a record of who is accessing it, and when? Using your access control, monitor when a certain authentication was utilized, and compare that to your video records. You can also keep an eye on your servers themselves using the same concept.

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