By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 30 August 2019
Category: BSSG Blog

Do Not Let Disaster Devastate Your Business

Plan: NOUN
1. A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

We’ve all heard or maybe even used the expression “That didn’t go as planned”. More often than not, a well-designed and implemented disaster recovery goes as planned, but do you really want to wager your entire business without doing any sort of testing? 

Disasters have many forms. The first step to excellent disaster recovery planning is knowing what you are preparing for. These are scenarios that could affect your business without warning.

True Planning Means Thorough, Possibly Risky Testing

A plan as previously mentioned is a proposal of a course of action you will take in the event of, in this case, disaster. Proposing a course of action is only the first step in disaster recovery planning. The second step is testing this plan.

Which would you prefer: testing your recovery plan in the wake of a disaster, or testing your recovery plan long before a disaster strikes? 

There are many different ways to evaluate the proposed processes outlined in your disaster recovery plan. These include the following: 

All businesses should have a disaster recovery plan. If your business needs a disaster recovery plan, or just needs peace of mind that the plan you have is prepared properly, turn to the professionals at COMPANYNAME. Call PHONENUMBER today.

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