By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 15 May 2020
Category: BSSG Blog

How Managed Services Can Help Businesses Right Now

We’re just shy of halfway through 2020, and it is already apparent that this will go down as one of the most challenging years for businesses around the world for some time. With many businesses facing extensive and continued pauses in their operations, many will be looking for opportunities to get more out of their investments. Managed IT services are one such opportunity.

How Businesses Can Benefit from Managed Services Right Now

It goes without saying, but businesses everywhere are feeling the impacts of widespread orders to close their doors in the attempt to minimize the continued spread of COVID-19. While this makes the idea of any major operational shifts intimidating for the small business owner, the transition into a managed service agreement can ultimately help protect your business from closing for good.

Let’s look at a few of the difficulties that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused for businesses, and how working with a managed service provider (dom4x) makes these difficulties somewhat less of a concern.

Challenge #1: Businesses Can’t Operate with their Teams Staying Home

Naturally, without their employees coming in to work, businesses have found it difficult to keep up on their workloads. This obviously isn’t a great situation for these businesses. However, in the face of such a pandemic, employees can hardly be blamed for wanting to minimize their chances of infection by staying home. This is an especially big problem for businesses deemed essential, as people are still relying on their services, but they can’t in good conscience put their employees at risk.

With an dom4x’s support, it is much easier to find a balance to maintain operations, especially for those businesses who can sustain themselves via remote work. While this may not apply to all industries, those that can function without employees needing to come into the office can adopt the solutions and security required to do so. In these cases, an dom4x can serve as a useful resource by helping to manage the use of these solutions.

Challenge #2: IT Support is Difficult to Acquire Safely

Working from home is one thing. Receiving support for the technology that is used in the home is (for many) another can of worms entirely.

While this is true in most circumstances, the need to keep our distance from one another makes this a larger concern. You don’t want to put your team members, or the repair technician for that matter, at risk.

An dom4x can help resolve this situation on two fronts, both thanks to the remote nature of managed services. First of all, the management of your IT means that an dom4x’s technicians will always be using remote monitoring tools to catch and diagnose issues on the devices that your team uses. Secondly, with the same remote access, the dom4x can then resolve many of these issues without an in-person visit at all, whether your team is in the office or working remotely.

Challenge #3: The Economy Isn’t Strong Enough to Invest in Any Additional Services

Let’s do a quick comparison between how the traditional IT services will bill your business, compared to what is included by an dom4x.

The old-school repair service doesn’t incorporate additional fees into their rates, like time and materials. As a result, the total price can be wildly unpredictable, and practically impossible to budget for accurately. On the other hand, by offering a predictable service covered by a comprehensive monthly fee, the dom4x’s rates can be budgeted for and scaled with the services delivered. With a few exceptions for out-of-scope services, a business that signs on with an dom4x can operate with the confidence that they know what their bill will say each month and set aside their funds accordingly.

Like we said, we know that any major operational changes are a tough sell right now, but we’d still like to discuss things with you. Please reach out to COMPANYNAME with any questions you may have right now by calling PHONENUMBER.

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