By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 14 November 2014
Category: Business

Real-World CIOs Share Their Thoughts about Windows 10

Before Microsoft officially releases Windows 10, beta versions are first given to select business leaders like CIOs. This is a standard practice for software manufacturers because it helps them to work out real-world bugs before publicly releasing their product. What do CIOs think of the Windows 10 technical preview? Inquiring business minds want to know.

The overall verdict that we’re seeing for Windows 10 is “so far, so good.” In a recent article by TechRepublic, they got a chance to sit down with 12 CIOs that worked with the Windows 10 technical preview. These CIOs were asked the question, “Do you think Microsoft is heading in the right direction with Windows 10?” Of the 12 CIOs interviewed, 11 answered “yes.”

Here are some specific thoughts about Windows 10 technical preview from CIOs who’ve tried it:

"From our preliminary review, the Windows 10 Technical Preview looks to be on the right track. Our institution has bypassed Windows 8.x and looks forward to testing and implementation of Windows 10 as soon as we confirm compatibility with our systems. It's great to be excited about a new version of Windows again.” - Chuck Elliott, CTO of Concord University.

“It’s still very early, but it seems they have renewed their focus on business, which deteriorated over the last few years. It’s very welcome from my perspective.” - Michael Spears, CIO of NCCI Holdings.

With the majority of users that previewed Windows 10 expressing satisfaction about the product, Microsoft can breathe a big sigh of relief after the less-than-warm reception experienced with Windows 8.

However, as Microsoft will soon find out, making a quality and likable product is one thing, but getting organizations to spend money to switch to it from another quality and likable product, like Windows 7, is completely another thing; as evidenced by the fact that the non-supported and vulnerable Windows XP currently makes up 17 percent of the desktop operating system market share (despite Microsoft’s best efforts to rid the world’s computers of XP). For Microsoft, their biggest question about Windows 10 boils down to, “Is it compelling enough to convince the users of Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 (which hold a combined total of 69 percent of the desktop OS market share) to spend money on upgrading?”

For CIOs like Jeff Cannon of Fire and Safety America, the answer is “no.”

After a fair amount of training and troubleshooting getting the end user up to speed on the new interface, the users really seem to enjoy their new toy. No real increase in productivity but it's a nice upgrade. Now, multiply that migration by several hundred or several thousand users and you're looking at a pain point not a pleasure point - and not from an IT perspective. I mean from lost productivity and disruption as an operations manager.

When it comes down to it, you’re not going to be able to make a decision about whether or not Windows 10 is right for your business until you get your hands on it and see for yourself. Have you gotten a chance to check out the Windows 10 technical preview version? We’d like to know what your thoughts are on Microsoft’s latest operating system. Share them with the world in the comments.

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