By Michael DeMarco on Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Category: BSSG Blog

Tip of the Week: 4 Life-Saving Alternatives to Driving While Distracted

For the busy business owner, demands on schedules make it mandatory to use their smartphone while on the go. While it’s important to be productive, safety is even more important. Therefore, you should never use your phone while driving in such a way that puts you and others at risk.

In many places, talking on your phone while driving is against the law, and the penalties are even more broad for using your smartphone while driving for tasks like texting and checking email. Distracted driving has become an epidemic on the roadways and the damage it causes is staggering. Consider these sobering statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation:

Obviously, the best solution to this problem is to put down the phone altogether, keep your eyes on the road, and your hands at ten and two. However, for many modern workers, this is one luxury they can’t afford. If you must use your smartphone while on the go, consider these four options.

At COMPANYNAME, we regularly blog about how to use your technology to be productive. For more great tips and tricks, subscribe to our blog.

Bonus Tip: The New York Times released an interactive texting-while-driving game which teaches drivers how distracting texting can be. Click the link to find out for yourself.

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