By Michael DeMarco on Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Category: BSSG Blog

Tip of the Week: Know Your Cables

As great as technology can be for a business, there is typically a lot more going on behind the scenes. Therefore, it becomes evident after just a few minutes of looking into it, that cabling is a much bigger deal than you’ve ever considered. Having an effective strategy in place to manage your cabling initiatives will go a long way toward ensuring your organization’s technology cabling is squared away.

There are two factors that you have to take into account when managing your organization’s wiring and cabling. The first is managing the cables and wires that run your entire IT infrastructure, and the second is managing their replacement wires, adapters, and other cables and wires that run technology you don’t have in use but might have use for down the line. Today, we tell you about some products that will help you manage all the cables and wires your technology requires.

All businesses have wires that connect their computing network and infrastructure together. They typically come in four different types of cables:

Cables are the arteries of your business’ network and, like arteries, they need to be maintained regularly to function. In order to properly manage your networking cables, you will need a system that allows you to know what kind of cable is being installed, when it was installed, and how long it is in place before it will need maintenance. The best time to accomplish this is when you are configuring your server room, because if you do it at any other time, you will likely be looking at a lot of man-hours disassembling your server room.

When maintenance is needed, however, it’s an auspicious practice to organize the cables to be able to ascertain which cable connects what piece of technology with what other piece of technology, making the process of maintenance a little simpler and less conducive to producing error and downtime.

Organizing Products
There are many products that can be used to make your wires and cables more organized. Some include:

Wiring may not seem like a big deal until wires are in the way. As with any wired connection, making sure everything is managed, organized, and set up for easy access can go a long way toward keeping from spending more money later on cable and wire maintenance.

If you are looking for a consultation on how to roll out new wire, maintain the cable you have in place, or replace your cables, call our professional technicians at PHONENUMBER. Reach out to us today to see how we can bring value to your business.

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