By Michael DeMarco on Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Category: BSSG Blog

Tip of the Week: Making the Most of Your Business’ Wi-Fi Connection

Wi-Fi is far and away one of the most utilized modern connection types, which also makes it one of the most effective ways for cybercriminals to steal data or introduce malware to a device if it is not carefully implemented. Let’s go over some factors you need to consider as you put it in place for your business’ purposes.

Consumer Routers Vs. Business Routers

Your hardware is going to be the first variable you need to commit some attention to when it comes to your Wi-Fi. For you to have Internet access at all, there needs to be some means for the Internet provider to get the signal to you—typically, via a line run into your office that connects to a modem, possibly a modem/router combination that many cable companies will rent to their subscribers for a fee.

A business has different needs, so this approach isn’t exactly sufficient. We advise that a business invest in their own networking hardware to maintain more control over this hardware and the specifications that it possesses.

There are a few critical considerations to keep in mind when selecting your router.

Tips for Finding the Right Router

Rather than spending $50 or so on a consumer-level router, a business should invest in one designed for its needs. These can cost anywhere in the range of $200 to $1000, and you generally get what you pay for. Lean on your IT resource or COMPANYNAME for assistance in evaluating your business’ requirements so that you get the router that best fulfills them.

When you select your router, you should make sure that it checks the following boxes:

Tips for Placing Your Router

Once you know that you have the hardware that best suits your business’ requirements, you need to make sure that you position it correctly in your office. Even if you get the best Internet package your ISP offers, it can only do so much if your hardware isn’t properly placed. To ensure you get the speed that you’re investing into, the following steps and practices will help:

It is our hope that this article will assist you in implementing the right hardware for your needs in the way that best suits your operations. For more assistance, feel free to give us a call at PHONENUMBER, and don’t forget to check back in with our blog.

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