By Michael DeMarco on Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Category: BSSG Blog

Tip of the Week: Stop Wasting Your Resources in the Cloud

The cloud is perhaps one of the single most important developments to happen to the modern workforce, changing the way that many organizations function and access resources. Some use it for access to crucial applications that are needed to keep their businesses running, while others might use it to host critical parts of their IT infrastructures, such as desktops or server hardware. Unfortunately, some organizations use too much of the cloud, leading to wasted costs on their part. We’re here to help you keep the cloud from turning into an asset sink for your organization.

Cloud Use and Waste
Cloud computing is an industry that rakes in almost $130 billion annually, and it’s expected that this will increase to as much as $411 billion by the end of 4Q 2020. With so much investment happening in this field, there is always going to be at least some waste. Approximately one-third of cloud computing resources are actually wasted, which should prompt at least a little concern from your business. It should be enough to ask yourself, “What am I wasting on the cloud?”

How Do Businesses Waste Their Cloud Resources?
The first thing you need to do if you want to cut down on cloud waste for your business is determine how much you actually spend on the cloud in terms of operation. Many organizations that don’t have a plan to keep track of their cloud resources ultimately wind up losing revenue in the long run. They might be paying for services that are no longer used by their staff, or they might be paying for two services that accomplish similar tasks. Even something simple like this can contribute to big costs on your end. Overall, this becomes a problem, as any money that you’re spending on services that you don’t need could be money that’s put to better use elsewhere in your budget.

Paying for cloud-based tools that you barely ever use is another way your organization could be wasting assets in the cloud. For example, you may have needed a specific software for a single project, but now that it’s over, you don’t need the software anymore. Yet, why are you still paying for the licenses? They might renew automatically, but you’re spending money on software that you no longer use. Plus, keeping cloud-based infrastructures or development platforms operational long after they’re being used could cost your organization countless amounts of capital--especially since these old infrastructures are doing nothing to create a profit for your business.

COMPANYNAME can help your business keep an eye on its computing budget to make sure it’s not becoming too large for its own good. We can provide a full audit to look for redundant or unused cloud platforms. These resources could also hold onto important information, so our technicians can help you migrate any data from these systems to your infrastructure, freeing up resources for other purposes.

To get started, reach out to us at PHONENUMBER.

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