By Michael DeMarco on Wednesday, 08 April 2020
Category: BSSG Blog

Tip of the Week: The Best Way to Cut Your IT Support Costs

In any business, IT-related expenses can be the most volatile, making them unpredictable and prone to swelling unexpectedly. As a result, many businesses are in a lose-lose situation: they can lose potential income by not keeping their essential solutions maintained and up-to-date, and they are prone to more frequent, inflated payments to have their issues resolved as they appear. For today’s tip, we’ll be going over how a managed IT service agreement can put a stop to this.

1. Managed Services Prevent Many Issues From Happening

Here’s the big problem with IT solutions: most issues they experience will not only cost money to resolve, they prevent the business at large from being able to function to some degree. This makes the cost of these issues effectively double the price tag for any repairs. Furthermore, considering that the business is hemorrhaging income for as long as this functionality is impaired, there is generally a fee to resolve the issue charged by whoever comes in to fix it, with no guarantee that the issue won’t come back at some point in the future. In other words, better get out the checkbook.

With managed services, your IT infrastructure is monitored to proactively detect issues, meaning that they can often be resolved remotely before they even materialize and have an impact. This eliminates the expensive downtime that would otherwise add to the damages of resolving the issue.

2. Managed Services Make Costs Predictable

Speaking of the “damages of resolving the issue,” managed services operate differently than what one would expect, mainly due to their service-based approach. Through this approach, the managed service provider charges an inclusive, monthly fee based on the agreement they have with the business in question. Unless there is a need for something that goes outside the scope of the agreement, all services performed by the dom4x are covered. This allows a business to more accurately budget for their IT expenses, rather than over- or under-allocating funds for them.

3. Managed Services Maintain Standards

Most businesses are subject to at least one regulatory standard, whether it’s HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and/or any others. Managed services can help you ensure that your technology and its security protocols meet the requirements outlined in these standards, preventing you from being fined.

Do Managed Services Sound Like the Right Choice for You So Far?

Give COMPANYNAME a call to discuss them further! Our professionals are ready to chat and help you make the best decision for your needs. Call PHONENUMBER today.

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