By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 18 August 2017
Category: BSSG Blog

What It Means To Disinfect Your Computer

We have no problem going on the record as saying that there are more than enough strains of malware to go around. As such, it’s important that you know what to do if your workstation is struck by an infection.

Before we go into that, we need to clarify a few points. What is the difference between viruses and malware? In a word, categorization. A virus is just one type of malware among all the rest: spyware, adware, ransomware, et cetera. So, all viruses are malware, but not all malwares are viruses. However, almost all security solutions are described as ‘antivirus.’

Regardless of what they are called, you need to know the proper steps to removing threats like viruses or malware from your systems. Your very first step should be to call an dom4x to observe, helping to ensure the process goes smoothly. Even better, the dom4x could be handling the maintenance of your IT, proactively monitoring it for threats and resolving them before they manifest and cause troubles.

An dom4x can remotely access the infected device in order to check for other pieces of malware. They might remove temporary files, which will let them scan the device faster and could even remove a piece of malware in and of itself. Once the scan is complete and any malware has been removed, there may be a need to repair or reinstall your operating system or web browser. This is why it is important to keep files on the network and safely backed up. This way, if you do need to reinstall the OS on one of your workstations, you will not lose any of your files.

To avoid these circumstances, it is best to keep your computer protected with the latest versions of your security software to ensure that they are able to defend against the latest iterations of malware. Your programs should be kept up-to-date for the same reason---many updates are devoted to security improvements, and if you have gone without updating, you are sacrificing your potential security.

It is also wise to change all of the passwords to your online accounts, as malware can have an unpleasant habit of recording them. You should also make sure your staff is aware of the warning signs of an infection.

COMPANYNAME can help you with any, or all, of these measures. Call PHONENUMBER for more information.

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