By Michael DeMarco on Monday, 01 June 2020
Category: BSSG Blog

What to Focus On as You Train Your Team

Information technology is an incredibly important facet to any modern workplace, which means that your team needs to know how to properly handle the IT you have in place. Here are a few key practices that you need to ensure your team is up to speed on:

Maintaining Security

While there are many automated precautions that can help defend your business, your real weaknesses are likely derived from your users. Cybercriminals are aware of this and will not hesitate to use it to their advantage.

To help counter these efforts, you need to make sure that your employees are aware of the many varieties of threats that might darken your business’ analogous doors. Not only that, your team should be able to recognize these threats as they encounter them and know how to respond appropriately. This means that you need to educate your employees about the threats they should look out for and evaluate their preparedness through testing processes.

Basic IT Capabilities

On the topic, your entire team should have some basic awareness of best practices, with access to written documentation to help support them. For instance, they should know what is expected of the passwords they create for themselves and how to best use the tools that they are provided, taking backups, and other very important processes.

Seeking Out Assistance

Of course, should assistance be required (or even if it just makes the employee more comfortable to have a professional watching over them) your team should also know the protocols for reaching their IT support resource to report their given issue, as well as the best means of doing so.

At some point, you’re going to have to place your trust into your team. To do that, however, you also need to ensure that they are trustworthy by training them to be. We can help by giving you the technology to support your operations. Find out what else we have to offer by calling us at PHONENUMBER.

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