By Michael DeMarco on Monday, 29 June 2015
Category: Business

What You Need to Know Before Blindly Upgrading to Windows 10

We’re counting down the days until the release of Windows 10 on July 29th. The Microsoft hype train is in full gear and the world has high expectations for the new OS. This begs the question, “Should your business upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as possible?”

For its part, Microsoft has marketed Windows 10 in such a way that upgrading is as easy as clicking a notification in your Windows 7 and 8 System Tray that says “Yes” or “Go!” If you haven’t yet pre-ordered your copy of Windows 10, Microsoft will nag you about it for the next month, hoping that you’ll cave and click “Yes.”

The times sure have changed. Remember when the earliest possible way to get a new version of Windows was to stand in line at your local electronics retailer for a midnight release? Downloading a new OS is much more convenient. However, upgrading without doing your homework can lead to major and unforeseen problems. Here are five reasons why you may want to hold off on upgrading to Windows 10 until the dust settles from its release.

Of course, if you like the new OS, you can upgrade on day one. Although, it’s important to remember that adopting a new system for your company’s mission-critical equipment is a big deal and shouldn’t be adopted without first knowing what you’re getting into. Therefore, when upgrading to Windows 10, we recommend a cautious approach and to make sure that all of your company’s bases are covered.

To receive expert advice and guidance with your move to Windows 10, give COMPANYNAME a call at PHONENUMBER.

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