By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 10 April 2020
Category: BSSG Blog

Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

When it comes to business efficiency, setting up a fixed process can have significant benefits, which helps explain why many tend to naturally fall into a routine in the workplace. This applies doubly so when working from home too. Let’s go over why routines can be so helpful, and how to consciously build a beneficial one.

What Are the Benefits of a Routine in the Workplace?

Routines, processes, procedures, however you refer to them, can certainly provide a few boosts if set up correctly.

They Encourage Consistent Results

It is often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, whereas the definition of consistency (“conformity in the application of something”) is the practical application of the opposite. When it comes to the workplace, consistent results are the goal, so a consistent process makes sense.

They Save Time

As a process becomes more ingrained and develops into a pattern, it will inherently become more efficient to carry out. Resultantly, turning your responsibilities at work into a routine process will ultimately enable you to contribute greater productivity.

They Make Things Easier and Less Stressful

There is a reason that a routine can casually be referred to as a “groove”... they inherently simplify a given goal and put less pressure on the employee. This means that the employee in question can commit to the task at hand with a clear mind.

All of these outcomes mutually benefit the employee that follows the routine pattern and the business’ overall success rates, so it makes sense to try and replicate these outcomes in your own business. To help you and your team out, we’ve assembled a quick guide to help you develop and establish beneficial routines to support your productivity.

How to Build Up and Reinforce a Routine

Here are a few suggested methods for you to put to use as you are building habitual workplace practices.

Remember that the day starts before work does. 

The way that you wake up and conduct yourself before work begins can have a significant impact on how the rest of the day goes. Get to sleep early enough to make sure you get enough rest, and make sure you are waking up at the same time each day. Make your bed first thing--that little victory alone can help add a little positivity to the day. Mentally prepare yourself for the day’s agenda and arrange your priorities ahead of time. Doing these kinds of things each day will gradually turn them into the things you just do.

Dictate how your time is spent at work.

Once you are in the office, you need to continue shifting your mindset. Instead of thinking of your schedule as a list of your obligations for the day, look at it as an asset that helps you to accomplish your goals efficiently and effectively. For instance, many people are inclined to postpone their challenging or frustrating tasks, but try doing the opposite and finish them off first thing. Bundle similar processes together to make it easier to transition between them while maintaining your focus. Restrict the time you spend doing semi-productive things, like checking your emails and messages.

Disconnect to fully prepare for the next day.

After you’ve filled your workday with productive activities, it’s time to leave and reset for the next. Take some time to review what you accomplished, highlighting three of the most positive events, and then disengage from workplace concerns as much as you can. Spend some time with a personal hobby--not just relaxing, but actively engaging in something that commands your attention--to really separate yourself from the job. When bedtime approaches, give yourself another routine to end the day on your terms and prepare for the next.

When you wake up, you’ll be ready to do it all again.

What routines do you tend to follow? Share some of yours in the comments, and make sure you routinely come back to the COMPANYNAME blog!

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