Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A technology expert serving South Florida since 1997, helping customers grow by streamlining business processes through technology. From simple hardware implementations to advanced software solutions and custom applications, we deliver the tools that drive success.

A Game of Words: George R. R. Martin Finds Use For Old Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_grrmartin_400.jpgThe latest technology can provide your business with increased productivity. However, not everyone sees it that way. George R. R. Martin, one of the most well-known authors of our time, would disagree. He prefers to work in the ancient realm of 1970s word processing.

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4 Reasons Your Business Needs Remote IT Support

b2ap3_thumbnail_you_need_it_400.jpgTechnology grows more mobile with each passing day, but the need for technical support remains the same. But, sometimes you just can't get on-site support while you are traveling. What, then, would you do if you had an urgent need for IT support, especially if your provider doesn't offer remote support?

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Dogecoin Hacked! Such Loss.

b2ap3_thumbnail_docecoin_wow_400.jpgDoge, the Internet meme of a grammatically-challenged Shiba Inu dog that prefers comic sans, is so popular that it has its own online currency called Dogecoin. The fact that Dogecoin exists may be news to you, but it's also news that Dogecoin is temporarily stopping its service after its database (the Doge Vault) was hacked.

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For Hackers, Microsoft Security Patches are Roadmaps to Access Your Data

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_eight_point_one_400.jpgLately, there's been a string of computer security issues making the news, like the vulnerability found within Internet Explorer, the Heartbleed bug, and the host of issues associated with the recently-expired Windows XP. Is it possible that the security patches issued by Microsoft are making the problem worse for users of older systems like Windows XP?

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“The Most Connected Human on Earth” - Chris Dancy on Technology and Life, Part 2

b2ap3_thumbnail_dancy2_400.jpgThe other day, we introduced you to "the most connected human on Earth", Chris Dancy, and his story. Dancy had lost his job due to corporate downsizing, which in turn led the former IT manager to use his knowledge for the study of quantitative technologies and systems as part of a "quantitative life existence." In this second installment of our interview, Chris is going to explain how you too can lead a similar lifestyle.

Most tech-savvy people in this world will agree that if technology can provide the benefits it promises, it is worth giving a shot. However, these same people might feel uneasy about using technology to monitor so much of their personal lives. For Chris, it's about the differentiation between the "augmented self" that is displayed over the Internet, and your real-world self. Ultimately, the user has to lay down the fine line between shareable and non shareable, and it's up to you to determine what information you broadcast online and what you keep to yourself.

However, a person needs to be careful not to be too involved with their "augmented life". Rather, they should focus on finding balance between their online presence and their own earthly existence. Chris believes that taking advantage of as much technology as possible can ensure a successful future. Wired Magazine explains, "Dancy doesn't think that all tracking is necessarily positive, but he's fatalistic about the future. Even if workers reject more Orwellian surveillance from employers — or companies determine these measures to be counterproductive — individual workers will likely use self-tracking to gain a competitive edge."

How To Make Quantitative Technology Your Own
You might feel ready to get involved with quantitative technology, but you should carefully consider the benefits of it before doing so. There are so many types of technology that can be used to segue into a data-driven existence, and it might seem a bit overwhelming if you don't know what to look for. Chris offered Business Solutions & Software Group some advice for the average tech user wishing to adopt this new lifestyle.

  • "Start at home. Put a nest thermostat in your house. Understand how the thermostat uses weather and behavior to self adjust. Watch it change as the climate changes. Watch it learn." With a smartphone-connected thermostat, you'll be able to adjust the temperature of your home from anywhere, and gather information at the same time. It's the perfect first step toward integrating more technology into your life.
  • "Then get a fitbit. Wear it all the time, but only look at the data every two weeks. Then use that data and compare it to your schedule, see if you can find patterns." The fitbit, for Chris, has come with health benefits. Chris stated in an interview with FOX Business that he lost 100 pounds thanks to his lifestyle allowing him to track his health habits!
  • "Stay off the 'news hype' 'tech fetish' cycle. There will always be something new and cool to talk about with peers and friends. Learn who you are and what you do. Work in 2020 is about awareness of information and how people will live a data-driven lifestyle."

With so much technology at his disposal, Chris is bound to have some favorites. We asked him the question, "If you had to limit yourself to five, which five would you choose?" In response, Chris selected a few of his favorites. So, if you are looking to quantify your life with lots of useful technology, these are a must.

1. A fitness tracker (anything on the market, like the Fitbit Flex)
2. Wireless scale (anything on the market, like the Fitbit Aria)
3. Automatic (a car sensor)
4. Cube Sensor (an environmental sensor)
5. Evernote

Outfit Your Business Plan For the Quantitative Revolution!
If you want your company to succeed in the near future, contact Business Solutions & Software Group. We can provide you with all of the skills you need to put your business at the head of the pack. We asked Mr. Dancy what his thoughts were about what to look for in an IT company when seeking to expand your technological horizons. Chris suggests that businesses ask about three specific technical topics when looking for a knowledgeable IT provider- "What is your time frame for 'location aware', 'proximity-based', and 'wearable' technology integration? If they can't answer at least one, change IT providers today."

  • Location Aware - Devices that use technologies like GPS to deliver specific information based on your location.
  • Proximity-Based Technology - A wide variety of devices that connect over WiFi, Bluetooth, or NFC (Near Field Communication) connections to deliver analytics and information.
  • Wearable Technology Integration - Devices like smart watches, Google Glass, and fitness trackers, that makes Internet-connected technology even more mobile.

Business Solutions & Software Group knows all about the latest tech trends. Don't let the technology revolution leave your business in the dust. Call us at (954) 575-3992 today, and we'll help you transform your business into "the most connected business on Earth!"

Learn more about Chris Dancy by checking out his website:

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“The Most Connected Human on Earth” - Chris Dancy on Technology and Life, Part 1

b2ap3_thumbnail_Most-Connected-Man.jpgChris Dancy is known far and wide for being "the most connected human on earth", but how exactly does he do it? It's much easier than some people think. He takes advantage of the numerous technologies and systems available, and they all work together to track his every move. Why would he want to do this? It's not for bragging rights, as some might say - rather, it is all about a "quantified life existence." To find out what this means, we got a chance to interview Chris about his tech journey.

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Alert: Siri’s Leaking Secrets - iPhone Lock Screen Vulnerability

b2ap3_thumbnail_ios_vuln_400.jpgApple's iOS 7.1.1. operating system has been affected by a series of bugs throughout this month. The first bug was emails being sent unencrypted, but now a new threat lurks in the shadows - a lock screen flaw that allows hackers to access your contacts list without unlocking the phone.

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Microsoft Yields - Windows 8.1 Update Deadline Extended

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_eight_point_one_update_400.jpgMicrosoft has announced that, unless you upgrade to Windows 8.1 Update (think of it like a service pack) users will no longer receive updates and support for Windows 8.1. The deadline was set for May 13th, but Microsoft bailed on this deadline the day before it would pass and, instead, extended the deadline. The update is crucial if you are using Windows 8.1 and desire to continue receiving patches for the operating system.

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2 Tips to Get More Out of Your Chromebook

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_chrome_400.jpgMobile devices like Google's Chromebook are designed with the casual computer user in mind. Equipped with Chrome OS, some people mock the device calling it, "Nothing more than a browser with a keyboard." Granted, a Chromebook can't come close to doing what a "real" computer can do, but if you know how to use it, the device can be much more than a glorified browser.

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Is Microsoft Ending Support for Windows 8.1?

b2ap3_thumbnail_win_8_one_update_400.jpgIn an interesting twist to the Microsoft OS saga, Microsoft announced that it will cease providing security updates for Windows 8.1 unless users upgrade the software to Windows 8.1 Update (the newest Microsoft OS update). What's Microsoft's reasoning behind this verdict?

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A Second Chance - Microsoft Releases IE Patch for Windows XP!

b2ap3_thumbnail_update_two_400.jpgLast week, six versions of Internet Explorer were diagnosed with a crippling vulnerability that could have potentially allowed hackers to take over your computer, install malware, or steal sensitive data. The threat was deemed so immediate that the United States and the United Kingdom both issued warnings advising against the use of Microsoft's beloved web browser.

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4 Tips to Keep the Phish From Biting

b2ap3_thumbnail_phishing_400.jpgJust like the dark waters of the benthic ocean trenches, the Internet is filled with wondrous creatures that have never been seen before. However, there are also rather ugly things lurking in the depths as well. No matter how deep you swim, there are always the deep sea phishermen that will try to rip you away from everything you hold dear – your personal and professional data.

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Technology Repair… In Space!

b2ap3_thumbnail_millennium_falcon_400.jpgDue to the overwhelming success of George Lucas's science-fiction film franchise Star Wars, fans all over the world will be celebrating May 4th as a holiday (May the Fourth be with you). Star Wars wouldn't have been nearly as successful if it weren't for its fascinating space technology, something that was previously only imagined by the most creative of minds. X-wings, blasters, and hyperdrives seem really neat, but they can break down just as easily as present-day space technology. There's something about the unknown void that is space which draws our attention, even if it's "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

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Cyber Punks – Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

b2ap3_thumbnail_security_from_threats_400.jpgIn high school, there were always the rebellious kids who never wanted to do what their teachers said. They would vandalize the bathroom stalls, walk around the halls without permission, skip classes, and make the school an overall unpleasant environment. The teachers eventually decided that enough was enough, and they banned certain privileges that the students had. Bathroom breaks became timed. Hall monitors stalked the halls looking for troublemakers. Our liberty was stolen by these hooligans.

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WARNING: Huge Vulnerability in Internet Explorer Affects Everybody, No Fix for XP

b2ap3_thumbnail_alert_red_400.jpgAlert! Those using Windows Internet Explorer as your preferred web browser might want to take a short break from it and consider using a different browser like Chrome or Firefox until Microsoft works out a recently-discovered vulnerability.

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Touch Screen PC Productivity - Gimmick or Not?

b2ap3_thumbnail_touch_screen_pc_400.jpgTouchscreen devices have been all the rage for around a decade and have brought a degree of mobility to business that was unheard of only a short time ago. At first it was the smartphone, followed by the 10-inch tablet, and then the smaller tablets; which are designed for media consumption. This recent trend, which provides a superior user experience, has integrated touch screen usability into the expectations of end users. Recently, some of the largest and most recognizable personal computer manufacturers have begun making hybrid laptop computers that have all the capabilities of a powerful laptop, but come equipped with a touchscreen display. Can these all-in-one devices be just what your business needs to get to the next level?

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The Future’s Technology, Today

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_tech_now_400.jpgThe people of 1967 were no different than we are today - obsessed with the future and the new technology it might yield. It was a magical time when technology was developing so rapidly that people were placing wild assumptions of what the technology of the 2000s would be like. How accurate were the predictions of the scientific community of the 1960s? Let's look at this 1967 video from CBS's The 21st Century!

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Is Old Technology Holding You Back?

b2ap3_thumbnail_is_that_a_typewriter_400.jpgYour computer might only be two years old, but in terms of tech-age, it is often much older than you realize. The rate at which new technology, malware, and viruses are being produced, it might as well be twenty years old. This is called Moore's law, which states that computers double in complexity every two years. Think of it like the lifespan of a dog or a cat - their lifespan is so short that one human year is equivalent to multiple years for them, meaning that they are much older in terms of their actual lifespan than they are in human years.

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Never Ignore that Hard Drive Clicking Noise

b2ap3_thumbnail_hard_drive_error_400.jpgThere are times when you put off something on your to-do list and somehow it magically works itself out. This usually happens when someone else picks up the slack and takes care of what you needed to get done. Then there are things on your to-do list that, if you don't get to in a timely manner, will end up costing you in the long run--like PC maintenances.

Computers are machines that need to be cared for and maintained. If a PC is left totally unattended to and it's used regularly, it will wear down after each use and eventually experience the dreaded crash. The primary piece of equipment responsible for this risk is the hard disk drive. A computer hard drive contains disks called platters that have data written on them. These platters spin at thousands of RPMs and tiny moving parts are used to read the data off of the spinning disks. The intricacy and design of all the tiny moving parts lends itself to product degradation.

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The Heartbleed Aftermath

b2ap3_thumbnail_heartbleed_aftermath_400.jpgThe Heartbleed bug, one of the nastiest deficiencies in Internet security to date, was found last week. More than two-thirds of the Internet's secure information could have been leaked from websites utilizing the OpenSSL cryptographic library's encryption style. Most major websites have already issued a patch to resolve the problem, but that doesn't change the fact that this information has been available to anyone looking for it for over two years. Worse still is that you would have no idea how to tell whether your data has been compromised.

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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Coral Springs, Florida 33065

Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm

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(954) 575-3992