By Michael DeMarco on Friday, 07 November 2014
Category: Security

IT Guilds: What Kind of Sorcery is this Technology?

Doing business today is much different than it was in medieval times. Thanks to the Renaissance, modern businesses now have a technology-based economy, instead of one that's magic-based--this has been an especially difficult transition for wizards. Although, one medieval business practice that's still going strong is the idea behind guilds.

The principle behind why guilds were created is still with us today. Essentially, a guild is a group of like-minded individuals who come together for the purpose of providing and coordinating services that make life easier for everyone. A modern example of a medieval guild would be a group like your local chamber of commerce.

Your local chamber is a place where everybody comes together to pool their expertise and their company's resources for the good of the community. Our medieval ancestors would be amazed at the networking abilities that today's businesses have thanks to technology. At the same time, they would be disappointed at the severe lack of swordplay at today's chamber meetings.

What skills do COMPANYNAME bring to the AREASERVED guild? You can consider us to be your local technology wizards. After all, the best way to explain how technology works is, "It's magic." Here are few "spells" that we can can cast for your business. Allakhazam!

At COMPANYNAME, our solutions are meant to assist your company's everyday technology needs, making us guildmasters for your area. In fact, our coat of arms reads, "Making technology work for ye." To join our guild and further your kingdom, call us at PHONENUMBER.

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