By Michael DeMarco on Monday, 22 December 2014
Category: Security

It Seems Sony Can’t Get a Break from IT Issues

It’s the holiday season… for everyone but Sony, at least. The tech/entertainment supergiant has been experiencing a ton of security issues lately. Last month, someone hacked into Sony’s databases and stole a lot of information (including unreleased movies, which were later released to the world). This December, it was revealed that Sony stored their passwords in a folder on their server titled “Passwords.”

Yes, passwords. Let that sink in for a moment. They could have at least changed it to something a little less conspicuous, like “New Jazz” or something. All of a sudden, it’s not surprising that someone was able to access their systems and steal a bunch of confidential data. Maybe their login username is “admin,” too. More data has been leaking over the past several days, including Social Security numbers, passport copies, and even more personal data from employees and actors involved with Sony. GOP (Guardians of Peace), the group responsible for the hacks, has established that any Sony employee who doesn’t want their information released should email them directly.

While actors Seth Rogen and James Franco have jested about the hacks on Saturday Night Live and social media, this hack is kind of a big deal. It’s safe to say that a high-profile hack of this nature could release plenty of information within due time, and threaten the business continuity of Sony. This is a perfect example of what can happen if you’re nonchalant with your network security. Someone could hack into your server, gain access to your “passwords” folder, and make off with tons of login credentials that could put your business on the chopping block.

However, when dealing with passwords, there are several best practices which you want to consider, all of which are meant to maximize the security of your accounts. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your passwords and keep your sensitive information safe.

Password Management Solutions from COMPANYNAME
There’s one thing which all of these tips point toward: making your password difficult to guess, and therefore, practically impossible to remember. When you have so many complex passwords, it’s hard to remember which password goes where. This is where use of COMPANYNAME’s preferred password management solution can truly shine. All of your passwords are gathered in one location inside an application. The password manager then pulls the password whenever you need to access an account.

Granted, you could always just write down your passwords and put them all in one place, but then you’re doing the exact same thing that Sony did. If someone were to access the notebook or post-it note with your passwords written in it, you can say goodbye to your sensitive information. Whatever you do, do not label the list as a bunch of passwords.

For information on how to integrate a password management system into your technology strategy, give COMPANYNAME a call at PHONENUMBER.

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