Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A technology expert serving South Florida since 1997, helping customers grow by streamlining business processes through technology. From simple hardware implementations to advanced software solutions and custom applications, we deliver the tools that drive success.

Don’t Fall for These 3 Browser Security Myths

Don’t Fall for These 3 Browser Security Myths

The world of network security is vast and complicated, even without all of the misinformation out there about how to keep your business safe and your accounts secure. One particular facet of network security misinformation comes in the form of web browsers, or rather, myths that people think about how they are used which could leave them vulnerable to hacking attacks.

We’re here today to address three of the most common myths about browser security that we think you’ll be interested to know.

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This One Simple Trick Can Make Your Out-of-Office Messages That Much Better

This One Simple Trick Can Make Your Out-of-Office Messages That Much Better

If you take vacations or are going to be out of the office for any specified amount of time, then it helps to set an out-of-office message so that your coworkers and clients know that you’ll be away. You can make them more effective, however, with a couple of simple practices, namely one particular personal detail.

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Most Employees Are Open to Digital Monitoring (Under the Right Circumstances)

Most Employees Are Open to Digital Monitoring (Under the Right Circumstances)

If you asked your workers to provide their feedback on digital monitoring, do you think they would be in favor of it or against it? A survey indicates that perhaps digital monitoring is not the controversial topic it was once considered in the workplace, at least to a certain extent. The catch? Monitoring has to give them opportunities to improve their job performance, and it shouldn’t get in the way of them doing their jobs.

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How Will IoT Trends Shape Technology's Growth?

How Will IoT Trends Shape Technology's Growth?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is one aspect of technology that has continued to grow and foster innovation over the past several years. These devices are being integrated into our technology-driven society in previously unimaginable ways, and that includes your business. How might your organization implement IoT devices, and what do they mean for the future?

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Have an Old Gmail Account? Log Into It Before It Disappears Forever

Have an Old Gmail Account? Log Into It Before It Disappears Forever

Many individuals might have old Google accounts from years ago that haven’t been used in a long time, whether they were simply replaced by newer accounts or simply forgotten about. These accounts can actually be a security challenge and can create more problems than they are worth, and Google is now realizing this. The service is planning to shut down old Google accounts that have been dormant for the last two years.

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How to Use Departmental Mission Statements to Drive Your IT Practices

How to Use Departmental Mission Statements to Drive Your IT Practices

The mission statement is an important part of any business which guides its practices, but it doesn’t have to do so at a macro level. You can implement mission statements for your various departments, including your IT department. Let’s go over how you can craft the best mission for your IT team so they can keep working to make your operations as effective as possible.

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Don’t Let Your Old Technology Solutions Hold Your Company Back

Don’t Let Your Old Technology Solutions Hold Your Company Back

Over time, your technology will start to deteriorate and grow less effective, placing a stopper on your maximum amount of productivity that was not there before. This can impact your organization in unexpected ways, and it can make downtime more of a probability. Let’s look at how you can tell when your technology is outdated and you need to invest in some new hardware.

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Four Pieces of Software that Make Business Much Simpler

Four Pieces of Software that Make Business Much Simpler

One of the best things about technology is that it does quite a bit to level the playing field. Smaller businesses can effectively do the work of larger enterprises because they have access to similar technologies. Additionally, technology goes a long way toward helping businesses manage their customer relationships, a key component to any revenue-seeking endeavor. Today, we put together a list of four technologies every small business needs.

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These Workplace Stretches Can Take the Tension Out of Your Workday

These Workplace Stretches Can Take the Tension Out of Your Workday

Taking care of your technology is vitally important, and that’s something that we as a managed service provider will always espouse, but the truth is that your technology is only as effective as the people using it. Therefore, you should make sure to take proper care of your team, too, and one way you can do this is by sharing these workplace stretches with them. The right stretches can improve physical health, which in turn improves other aspects of their lives—including their work.

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Think You Have Cybersecurity Covered? These 4 Solutions Are a Must

Think You Have Cybersecurity Covered? These 4 Solutions Are a Must

With so many dangers lurking on the Internet, it’s no small wonder that cybersecurity is an absolute must for all kinds of businesses these days, big or small. It can be challenging to know what you need to do to protect your business, though, which is why we work to promote awareness of security best practices for SMBs. Let’s go over some of the most effective ways you can secure your organization today.

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Here’s Some Information on How to Keep Your Business Compliant

Here’s Some Information on How to Keep Your Business Compliant

When you think of the words “compliance” and “your business” together in the same sentence, does the idea strike fear and dread into your heart? Businesses that fail to remain compliant could suffer severe penalties. It’s not always clear-cut what compliances your organization might need to adhere to, but we can help you implement the technology to ensure you remain compliant.

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Your IT Staff Should Earn These Certifications

Your IT Staff Should Earn These Certifications

A lot can change in business technology, even over the course of one short year. You should have IT workers on staff who are constantly seeking to improve their own skills and earn certifications that prove their continued dedication to professional development. Here is a short list of certifications your IT staff should consider seeking—or, if you don’t have internal staff, your outsourced technicians should hold.

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3 Ways to Tell You Need a Technology Upgrade

3 Ways to Tell You Need a Technology Upgrade

The big problem with technology is that it develops at such a fast pace that, before you know it, today’s shiny new toy is tomorrow’s dusty old thing. That said, innovation has slowed considerably in the past couple of years, yet the ability to know when your technology starts to hold you back is still a valuable skill to have.  We’re here to help you determine when that point occurs where your technology that used to be the cream of the crop, is now keeping your organization from achieving its full potential.

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Remote and Hybrid Workers Increase the Need for Encryption

Remote and Hybrid Workers Increase the Need for Encryption

A lot of businesses have been building out more flexible work conditions for their staff. This is mostly due to employee demand grown from COVID-era remote work. As more leeway is given and more people are able to work remotely, businesses have an issue they have to confront: data security in transit. 

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Have You Considered RFID Technology for Your Business?

Have You Considered RFID Technology for Your Business?

Business technology often takes advantage of the Internet of Things for greater connectivity and connectedness. One IoT technology that your business can utilize is the RFID sensor, which is a tag that can help you streamline processes around your office. Let’s discuss how RFID technology can be used in the context of a modern business.

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Four Steps Toward a More Secure Network

Four Steps Toward a More Secure Network

The more your business depends on its technology, the more problems with cybersecurity can derail all the good things you have going on. Today, businesses are more susceptible than ever to hackers and scammers that want to gain access to their network to deploy malware, siphon information, and more. Let’s discuss four points of emphasis every business needs to secure their network and infrastructure. 

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Managing Vendors Can Be a Giant Pain

Managing Vendors Can Be a Giant Pain

The vendors you use for your business are extremely important, but they aren’t so important that working with them should actually hurt your business. If you consider how much time the average vendor takes up, and multiply that by the number of vendors you have, you are likely spending a lot of time and money just dealing with these sometimes impossible relationships. In today’s blog, we will tell you how to get out from under time-consuming vendor relationships.

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A Clean Workplace is a Happy Workplace

A Clean Workplace is a Happy Workplace

There will always be an office slob—someone who leaves things lying around, like food, papers, and other things, and despite them being so comfortable with the mess, everyone else is just left wondering, “why?” There are plenty of reasons why you don’t want to be that person, so let’s dive into some of the many benefits of keeping a tidy workplace.

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Mobility Can Unlock Your Employees’ True Workplace Potential

Mobility Can Unlock Your Employees’ True Workplace Potential

Business has changed, and so too has the technology we use to fuel it. Businesses are utilizing mobile devices to get even more work done both in and out of the office, and as such, it’s a bit difficult to disconnect work life from real life. Let’s look at how mobility has changed the conversation about work and how that perspective has changed over time.

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Productivity, Part 4: Boosting Productivity and Motivation

Productivity, Part 4: Boosting Productivity and Motivation

At this point in our productivity blog journey, we’ve discussed what productivity is, how it can be measured, and what goes into protecting it. To wrap things up, we’re discussing what you can do to maximize productivity for your employees so that your business can grow and prosper.

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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Business Solutions & Software Group is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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10211 W Sample Road Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm

[email protected]

(954) 575-3992