Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A technology expert serving South Florida since 1997, helping customers grow by streamlining business processes through technology. From simple hardware implementations to advanced software solutions and custom applications, we deliver the tools that drive success.

Today’s IT Facts Were Inspired by Fictional Technology

Today’s IT Facts Were Inspired by Fictional Technology

When the minds that gave birth to classic science fiction technology first introduced it to the world, there was no way they could have seen a future where their ideas could be considered a reality. However, the ideas introduced in pop culture have inspired the brains of today to achieve great, and sometimes bizarre, things with technology.

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How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be

How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be

The cloud is undeniably a useful approach to technology, for reasons ranging from its accessibility to its scalability to its purported cost efficacy. Why purported? Well, there are hidden costs that can very well impact whether or not the cloud is your best option.

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Is the Representation of Hollywood Hackers Accurate?

Is the Representation of Hollywood Hackers Accurate?

Technology is so commonplace in today’s society that it’s often portrayed in unrealistic ways, especially in entertainment. Hackers, for example, don’t exist in the same sense that they do in the entertainment industry. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest differences between how hackers appear in television and media compared to what they are really like in the real world.

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Tip of the Week: How to Adjust Your Font Size on Your Smartphone

Tip of the Week: How to Adjust Your Font Size on Your Smartphone

It’s only too common that, even as the screens on our mobile devices increase in size, the text displayed on them can be difficult to read. Fortunately, there is a way to fix this. Let’s go over the process involved in changing the size of the text your smartphone displays.

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Lessons You Can Learn from the Latest Global Data Protection Index

Lessons You Can Learn from the Latest Global Data Protection Index

There are many challenges for businesses out there, but thanks to the GDPI 2021 survey issued by Dell, you can rest assured that you are not alone with your difficulties, whether they lie in technology management or cybersecurity. Let’s go over the survey results and figure out what they might mean for your business.

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What in the World is Data Scraping?

What in the World is Data Scraping?

Have you ever noticed how you might start to get unsolicited emails from various organizations asking you for your input or asking you to consider using one of their services? Chances are the culprit behind this action is data scraping. If used properly, scraping can be used as an effective marketing tool, but it can also be utilized by hackers and other malicious or unethical entities in a more nefarious way.

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Preparing for Tomorrow’s Cyberattacks, Today

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Cyberattacks, Today

The idea that cybersecurity will always be a major concern isn’t an extreme one. All one has to do is consider some of the threats we’re just starting to see now. Let’s take a few moments to consider what today’s threats might tell us about tomorrow’s.

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Tip of the Week: How to Download a File from Google Drive to Your Desktop

Tip of the Week: How to Download a File from Google Drive to Your Desktop

Google Workspace is an excellent tool to get work done, but you might often need to download your files to continue using them elsewhere or share them with someone else. In situations like these, downloading is easy and effective, and better yet, customizable; you can change the format in Google Workspace and everything. Here’s how it’s done.

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Save Money and Get the Support You Need for Your Technology

Save Money and Get the Support You Need for Your Technology

It’s not easy managing office technology and business solutions. A lot of thought goes into their day-to-day upkeep, and small businesses often do not have the time or resources available to ensure their technology is properly maintained. What they don’t tell you is that you don’t have to do all of this yourself. You can easily outsource these responsibilities to a managed service provider.

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Three Accessible Tools Enterprises Rely On

Three Accessible Tools Enterprises Rely On

To the layperson, a business is a business is a business. From your customers to your employees, they don’t always view businesses on a sliding scale. For the enterprise business, this is an advantage, since most digital tools are developed with the B2B enterprise space in mind. For the small business, there are definitely times when the software they use is more than they will ever need and it can be more expensive than they would normally need. In today’s blog, we’ll go through a few technologies that enterprise businesses use that small businesses can use too. 

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The Value of Getting Professionals to Handle Your Cybersecurity

The Value of Getting Professionals to Handle Your Cybersecurity

Adept (noun): someone who is a professional at a given task, possesses knowledge needed to be successful in completing said task.

While this level of skill is important to cultivate in all aspects of business, it is perhaps most important where cybersecurity is involved. Let’s go over a few practices you can adopt and adjust to improve your business’ network security—specifically, in terms of bringing professional-level expertise on for assistance.

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Can I Check Up on My Team Through Their Webcams?

Can I Check Up on My Team Through Their Webcams?

One of the biggest pain points that companies have to consider for remote workers is how productive they are actually being with their time. To solve this dilemma, some employers are opting to use the webcams installed on their employees’ devices to keep tabs on them. While we understand the idea of monitoring your team, perhaps using the webcam to spy on them is not the best way to approach this concept.

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For Better IT Management, We Have Some Strategies for You to Try

For Better IT Management, We Have Some Strategies for You to Try

If your business is like other small organizations out there, it might struggle with managing and maintaining its technology, from servers and workstations to networking components, to mobile devices and beyond. If you just can’t seem to keep up with the demands of technology management, read on—we have some great tips to help you better manage the workload.

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You Can Handle a Lot of Issues Proactively by Enacting a Monitoring Strategy

You Can Handle a Lot of Issues Proactively by Enacting a Monitoring Strategy

There are a lot of threats out there that can place some pressure on your business to think and act a certain way, but unless you are actively searching for threats on your network, you might find yourself coming up short in regards to network security. Why is monitoring your network so important, even with preventative measures in place? It all starts with imagining the worst-case scenario.

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Modern Software Can Benefit Employee Collaboration

Modern Software Can Benefit Employee Collaboration

For numerous reasons, collaboration software has seen widespread adoption—and despite many workers transitioning back to office operations, this software has proven to hold its value. Let’s explore the features that collaboration software can provide to you and your business.

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Tip of the Week: Learn How to Map a Network Drive to Create a Shared Network

Tip of the Week: Learn How to Map a Network Drive to Create a Shared Network

Many businesses rely on the concept of a shared network, where all computers have access to centralized folders and drives so documents can be accessed by everyone. While it is likely that your IT department has already taken care of the nitty-gritty details of this, we thought it might be helpful to put together a short guide on how you can map a network on your personal device on the off-chance you want to set up a shared network for your own personal reasons.

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IT Service Providers Can Do A Lot for Your Organization’s Physical Security

IT Service Providers Can Do A Lot for Your Organization’s Physical Security

You can’t always plan for data security, especially if your business doesn’t have professionals on-hand who know the security ins and outs of your industry. The usual methods, like passwords, firewalls, antivirus, and so on, may work for a while, but they are far from the end-all-be-all for network security. What are you doing for the physical security of your business?

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Why More Screen Real Estate Can Help You Be More Productive

Why More Screen Real Estate Can Help You Be More Productive

Laptops are amazing for portability and getting work done, but the one-screen situation makes things much more difficult than if you were at the office with more than one monitor. Here are some reasons why having an additional display can be helpful, as well as some instructions for how to hook one up.

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Wireless Setup If You Choose to Use Your Own Hardware

Wireless Setup If You Choose to Use Your Own Hardware

Your Internet connection is one of the most important parts of your information systems, but you might find yourself limited by the hardware provided by your Internet service provider (ISP). This could come in the form of a modem-router combination, which prompts the question of whether or not you really need to use what they provide.

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Moore’s Law Has an Estimated End Date

Moore’s Law Has an Estimated End Date

Moore’s law has been prophetic, but nothing lasts forever. When Gordon Moore predicted that transistors inside of a dense integrated circuit would double every 18 months in 1965, it seemed like a very aggressive prediction. 57 years later, it has come to pass, with computing speeds doubling every year and a half. Now, it seems like the tried and true prediction is coming to a close, so we thought we’d look at how technology will continue growing when Moore’s law actually becomes obsolete. 

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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Business Solutions & Software Group is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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10211 W Sample Road Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm

[email protected]

(954) 575-3992