Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A technology expert serving South Florida since 1997, helping customers grow by streamlining business processes through technology. From simple hardware implementations to advanced software solutions and custom applications, we deliver the tools that drive success.

How are Tech Giants Responding to COVID-19?

How are Tech Giants Responding to COVID-19?

Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind, from the public at large to businesses of all shapes and sizes. While the impact of COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on small businesses, corporations and enterprise businesses have also felt these changes. However, unlike small businesses, larger companies seem to be able to do much more than just survive.

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Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

When it comes to business efficiency, setting up a fixed process can have significant benefits, which helps explain why many tend to naturally fall into a routine in the workplace. This applies doubly so when working from home too. Let’s go over why routines can be so helpful, and how to consciously build a beneficial one.

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Tip of the Week: The Best Way to Cut Your IT Support Costs

Tip of the Week: The Best Way to Cut Your IT Support Costs

In any business, IT-related expenses can be the most volatile, making them unpredictable and prone to swelling unexpectedly. As a result, many businesses are in a lose-lose situation: they can lose potential income by not keeping their essential solutions maintained and up-to-date, and they are prone to more frequent, inflated payments to have their issues resolved as they appear. For today’s tip, we’ll be going over how a managed IT service agreement can put a stop to this.

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How to Manage a Greener Business

How to Manage a Greener Business

Environmentally-friendly business practices are a fundamentally good thing for a business to implement. Not only is it better for planet Earth for businesses to adopt green practices, doing so might even save your business a little green in the long term. We’ve put together a few ways that you could start:

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Setting Up a Strong Wireless Network

Setting Up a Strong Wireless Network

On the average business’ network, you can find many of its most important assets. As a result, any addition to that network will need to come with some solid deliberation. If you’ve been ruminating about the security or viability of your business’ wireless network, we can provide a few strategies and practices that you can use to build a secure and dynamic wireless network.

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Tip of the Week: Optimizing Remote Productivity

Tip of the Week: Optimizing Remote Productivity

For many, the Coronavirus has kept them from their workplaces and offices as a precautionary measure to help limit the spread of infection. This has given many the opportunity to work from home for the time being, which can be just as effective as working in the traditional office. Here, we’ve put some tips together to help you make the most of remote work strategies.

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Redundancy is Everything in a Disaster

Redundancy is Everything in a Disaster

We are used to hearing “redundant” used as a non-complimentary term, so it can be off-putting to hear how you want to make sure that your backups are redundant in case of a disaster. With March 31st being World Backup Day we want to talk about how important redundancy is important, especially in the midst of a considerable disaster event like the one we are doing today.

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Security Has to Be At the Top of Every Healthcare Provider’s List

Security Has to Be At the Top of Every Healthcare Provider’s List

With thousands of people exposed to the COVID-19 Coronavirus and millions more under quarantine, the healthcare industry is on red alert at the moment. Just a short time ago they were worried about another virus: Bluekeep.

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Tip of the Week: Three Basic Access Control Considerations

Tip of the Week: Three Basic Access Control Considerations

While every aspect of your organization’s security is incredibly important to attend to, we wanted to take the time and delve into a particular aspect that many might take for granted: your digital access controls. Let’s go over a few tips and practices to ensure your access controls and policies are optimized.

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An Argument for Workplace Gamification

An Argument for Workplace Gamification

As the old saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” The question is, how much do you really want a “dull boy” doing all of your business’ important work? This concern isn’t uncommon among businesses nowadays, which helps to explain the rise in gamification that has happened lately. Let’s explore what gamification is, and if it has any benefits that interest you.

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Moving to a New Office? Keep These Six Considerations in Mind

Moving to a New Office? Keep These Six Considerations in Mind

Moving your business into a new workspace is an exciting, if complicated, process. This is why we felt it would be useful if we discussed a few of the many factors that you need to plan for next time you consider shifting to a different office space. If you are currently in the process of finding and transferring to a new location, here are six steps that you should follow.

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Tip of the Week: Exploring the Windows 10 Notification Center

Tip of the Week: Exploring the Windows 10 Notification Center

Notifications are almost ubiquitous in computing nowadays, which is what makes it so surprising that--until just a few years ago--Windows notifications were either nonexistent or (when Windows 8 rolled around) effectively unusable. Fortunately, Windows 10 solved this problem with the Action Center. Let’s go over what the Action Center can do.

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Don’t Let Your Network Be Infected Thanks to Coronavirus

Don’t Let Your Network Be Infected Thanks to Coronavirus

Ever since it first popped up in the Wuhan Province of China, COVID-19 (better known as the coronavirus) has created quite a stir—bordering on panic—around the world. Unfortunately, as has been the case many times before, cybercriminals have been using this near panic to support their attacks. Let’s review some of the ways they do so, and how you can protect yourself and your business from these efforts.

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What Does a Database Management System Do, Exactly?

What Does a Database Management System Do, Exactly?

As businesses have come to rely on increasing amounts of data, the importance of keeping this data organized and usable has also increased. Therefore, databases are a critical consideration for any business that wants to gain as much value as they can from their collected data. However, a database can only be useful if a database management system is involved. Let’s go into why this is.

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Data Recovery Isn’t Just for Disasters

Data Recovery Isn’t Just for Disasters

While the name “data recovery solution” might seem to explain everything there is to know about that particular piece of a business’ infrastructure, many organizations may underestimate just how useful this particular component can be. Here, we plan to fix that.

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A Business’ Data Needs a Backup

A Business’ Data Needs a Backup

Data backup is a topic that we are always willing to discuss, and if you follow this blog at all, that will likely become very apparent. Now, some of the readers of this blog will have a data backup and recovery strategy in place, and you aren’t the ones we want to speak to. Instead, we want to talk to the people who don’t have one, the ones who need to fix that.

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What You Need to Do with IT and OT Interconnecting

What You Need to Do with IT and OT Interconnecting

The past two decades have generally seen business technology in one of two camps: either IT (information technology), which includes all of a business’ computers, peripherals, and networking equipment, or OT (operational technology), which included everything else. As time has passed, both have advanced, and now both carry the risks once limited to IT. Let’s examine how you can better secure your business by focusing on the convergence of IT and OT.

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Tip of the Week: Try These Training Tactics!

Tip of the Week: Try These Training Tactics!

Nowadays, efficiency is the name of the game and productivity is almost always in a business’ top priorities. For these goals to be met, your team needs to know what they are doing. This is precisely why it is so important for them to be trained properly. For this week’s tip, we’ll be going over a few training approaches for you to consider adopting as you educate your team.

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Build Your Business With Managed IT

Build Your Business With Managed IT

Every business owner or manager has to weigh the risks and the rewards of any decision. Whether to hire an internal IT support team or to outsource that responsibility is just one choice that has to be made eventually. If you are in the market for IT management resources, we’re here to tell you that managed IT is as valuable a service as you can get for your business.

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The New Office 365 App is Awesome

The New Office 365 App is Awesome

Office 365 is one of the most popular office suites on the market, and has been available on mobile devices for a while. This means that users have access to software titles like Word, OneNote, Excel, and PowerPoint from wherever they are. Understanding that this isn’t really a trend, but a sustained new way that people were going to access their Office 365 resources, Microsoft has created the Microsoft Office app. Today, we’ll take a look at the app and tell you how you can download it on your device.

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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Business Solutions & Software Group is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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10211 W Sample Road Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm

[email protected]

(954) 575-3992