Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A technology expert serving South Florida since 1997, helping customers grow by streamlining business processes through technology. From simple hardware implementations to advanced software solutions and custom applications, we deliver the tools that drive success.

New Maktub Locker Ransomware Knows Where You Live

New Maktub Locker Ransomware Knows Where You Live

Ransomware is so common in the world of online threats that even the FBI has labeled it a massive threat to businesses of all kinds. Unlike other types of malware, ransomware has a unique return on investment that’s measurable and highly lucrative for hackers. A new variant of ransomware called Maktub Locker lures victims into a false sense of security by tailoring phishing emails to match their street address.

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An Overview of Today’s 5 Best Smartphones, Vol.1

An Overview of Today’s 5 Best Smartphones, Vol.1

Today, more than two billion people use a smartphone. By 2020, experts predict that the smartphone market will reach over 70 percent of the planet’s population. In fact, more people own a smartphone today than have ever owned a PC, and more actual computing is done today using smartphone technology than using any other method! Driving this mobile revolution is the fact that smartphones have become affordable and present consumers with a wide array of computing options.

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Tip of the Week: This Free Extension Helps You Get to the Bottom of Your Grammar Mistakes

Tip of the Week: This Free Extension Helps You Get to the Bottom of Your Grammar Mistakes

To become a grammar expert takes years of education--a luxury that few modern workers have. Thankfully, there are tools available online that can make anybody a grammar expert. One such tool is Grammarly, a free Chrome extension and web-based app.

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Review This Checklist to Make Sure You’re Not Running Recently Expired Software

Review This Checklist to Make Sure You’re Not Running Recently Expired Software

Every piece of software released by Microsoft has an expiration date. Known as the End of Life event, this is when Microsoft ceases to support the software. It’s imperative that you stay on top of EOL dates for the sake of your company’s operations and data security. Take for example the dozens of software titles that expired just this past April.

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The Computing Advancements of the Past 60 Years are Mind Boggling!

The Computing Advancements of the Past 60 Years are Mind Boggling!

Data storage has always been an important part of the business world, but it’s one of many areas where innovation has yielded overwhelming results. Technology that exists today could never have been created 50, or even 20 years ago.

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Tip of the Week: Provide Your Team With Additional Monitors to Improve Productivity

Tip of the Week: Provide Your Team With Additional Monitors to Improve Productivity

One of the many ways that businesses improve productivity is by issuing employees multiple monitors for work purposes. Just like any benefit, though, there are some disadvantages to watch out for when using multiple monitors. Here are just a few of them.

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What it’s Like to Have Your IT Company Go the Extra Mile

What it’s Like to Have Your IT Company Go the Extra Mile

The appeal of a do-it-yourself project is that you’re the one doing the work. With the Do It Yourself (DIY) approach, whatever it is you're working on, you know for sure that it’s getting the attention it deserves. This is why it can be rather unnerving to have someone who you don’t fully know or trust work on your stuff. This is especially the case when it comes to your company’s technology.

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4 Proven Ways to Beat Office Distractions

4 Proven Ways to Beat Office Distractions

Let’s face it; the office is a pretty distracting place most of the time. You have people in meetings, discussions happening around every corner, the phone ringing every thirty seconds, and emails hitting your inbox left and right. With so much happening around you, how in the world are you supposed to get anything done?

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Tip of the Week: Creating a New Google Account? Here’s How to Transfer Your Contacts

Tip of the Week: Creating a New Google Account? Here’s How to Transfer Your Contacts

Does your organization use Google Apps for Business? It’s likely you use Google Contacts to store contacts. It’s an ideal tool for business professionals who are constantly on the move, but the real value that it presents is its instantaneous access to work contacts through Android devices. For this week’s tip, we’ll walk you through how to import and export your Google Contacts to a different Google, Outlook, or Apple account.

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This Computer Software Can Probably Write a Better Story Than You

This Computer Software Can Probably Write a Better Story Than You

Artificial intelligence is still a long way off, but this doesn’t stop people from trying to make major advancements in how AI thinks. Take, for example, a Japanese novella (a short novel) co-written by AI that almost won the Hoshi Shinichi Award literary prize. That’s the key word here, though: almost. It seems that AI still has quite a bit of progress to make before it can effectively replicate human creativity.

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Why You Should Consider These Alternative Security Measures Over Passwords

Why You Should Consider These Alternative Security Measures Over Passwords

As time goes on, the password has proven time and again that it’s not going to be enough to keep hackers out of online accounts and other sensitive parts of your IT infrastructure. One of the most valuable responses to this development was two-factor authentication, which is part of a more complex overarching trend that involves much more than simple two-factor authentication.

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Tip of the Week: Turn Your Favorite Email Client into Gmail on Your Android Device

Tip of the Week: Turn Your Favorite Email Client into Gmail on Your Android Device

Even though Google would prefer it if everyone switched over to Gmail as their primary email client, this simply isn’t going to happen. Many businesses are set in their ways, and would prefer to use Microsoft Outlook. Other users might still be in the days of Yahoo Mail for their personal email account. It’s to the users of other email clients that Gmailify is targeted.

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How Going With These 3 Technologies Now, Will Save You Money Later

How Going With These 3 Technologies Now, Will Save You Money Later

When it comes to procuring technology for your business, you’re often presented with two choices: save money by going with technology that’s been around for a while, or spend a little more to get the latest and greatest on the market. It’s tempting to go with the cheaper option, but, in the long run, it generally pays to go with the latest solutions, thanks to an IT concept know as “future proofing.”

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Domino’s Ushers in New Robotic Age of Pizza Delivery

Domino’s Ushers in New Robotic Age of Pizza Delivery

Robotics is a technology that’s influencing many different types of industries. Robots help surgeons with surgery, work in manufacturing environments, and so much more. Now, the application of robotics has given birth to one of the most important technological advances to the modern world: pizza-delivering robots.

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Tip of the Week: Find Out When Microsoft Will End Support for Your Operating System

Tip of the Week: Find Out When Microsoft Will End Support for Your Operating System

As time goes on, operating systems grow old and eventually reach their end-of-support date that’s designated by Microsoft. When this fated day comes, patches and security updates are no longer applied to the expired operating system. To help you better plan for the future, we've compiled a list of various expiration dates for many Windows operating systems.

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Why a Reboot is Like a Magic Wand for Your PC

Why a Reboot is Like a Magic Wand for Your PC

Have you ever called tech support only to be answered with this generic response: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” More often than not, a simple reboot can resolve many issues with a computer. However, you still need to be cautious of more serious issues that a reboot won't fix. Here’s how a PC reboot works, and why it’s such an effective tool for resolving PC troubles.

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Mr. Wolfdog Teaches You to Dominate the Competition With a Giant, Honking Computer [VIDEO]

Mr. Wolfdog Teaches You to Dominate the Competition With a Giant, Honking Computer [VIDEO]

April 1st is a day for jokes and laughter. Therefore, we thought we’d lighten the mood and consult the funniest and the furriest CEO we know for computer advice; that’s right, Old Spice’s wolf-dog hybrid, Mr. Wolfdog!

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Tip of the Week: 2 Crucial Qualities Every Data Backup Solution Must Have

Tip of the Week: 2 Crucial Qualities Every Data Backup Solution Must Have

Business owners have many important decisions they must make pertaining to the continuation of their organization. Securing their company’s data may come off as yet another item on a to-do list, but, due to the critical role data plays in the day-to-day operations, this task should be a high priority for every modern business. Raising awareness of this critical issue is precisely why March 31st is World Backup Day!

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Alert: Apple OS X Now at Risk of Ransomware

Alert: Apple OS X Now at Risk of Ransomware

Ransomware is a major problem in both the personal and private sectors of computing, but up until very recently, Apple users had little to fear from potential ransomware hacks. Security researchers at Palo Alto Networks have discovered what’s known to be the first completed ransomware on an Apple device. The threat, called KeRanger, is officially “in the wild,” and is a danger to any Mac user.

KeRanger is the first-ever completed ransomware that specifically targets the OS X operating system. In 2014, Kaspersky Labs found an incomplete form of ransomware for Mac, but it wasn’t a viable threat at the time. Now, however, KeRanger is free to usher in a host of more dangerous threats that could target Apple’s coveted operating systems.

This ransomware is spread through a torrenting software called Transmission. Torrenting is a type of software designed to share large files. It’s most widely used to distribute pirated content, like copyrighted films, tv shows, music, and more.

The KeRanger threat as explained by CNet:

If a user installed one of the infected versions of Transmission, an executable file embedded within the software would run on the system. At first, there'd be no sign of a problem. But after three days, KeRanger would connect with servers over the anonymous Tor network and begin encrypting certain files on the Mac's system.

Researchers claim that KeRanger is still under development, but it’s also trying to find a way to encrypt the victim’s backup data. If this happens, users will have virtually no chance of getting their data back without paying the dreaded ransom. Consider how important of a precedent this sets for ransomware; if a ransomware is capable of encrypting not just the files on your local PC, but also the files on your network and your backup files, it could become the most dangerous threat on the Internet.

To counteract this threat, Apple has revoked the security certificate that KeRanger exploits, and has updated its XProtect antivirus software. Transmission has also removed the infected version of its installer, so those who download the client won’t get the ransomware. However, those who have installed Transmission sometime between March 4th and 5th may be affected by KeRanger. If you want detailed instructions on how to identify if you’ve been targeted by KeRanger, and to learn how to best protect yourself from it, you can visit Palo Alto Networks’ site.

Most ransomware makes it borderline impossible to decrypt your files on your own. This is how hackers extort money from users. They play off of the irrational actions caused by fear. This is why it’s so important to protect your business’s assets from ransomware, before you fall prey to it. Implementing a solid security solution is a great way to do so, and you should generally avoid torrenting files in the office anyway. Also, it’s especially important that your employees understand security best practices when browsing the Internet.

The most obvious and important course of action to remember is that your business needs to protect its assets from ransomware, before you get infected. To make sure that your network is protected from ransomware, give Business Solutions & Software Group a call at (954) 575-3992.

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Here’s What Cloud Computing for Business is All About

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_benefits_400.jpgWe talk about the cloud and how it changes the way that businesses approach their technology solutions a lot, and for a good reason. It’s become so commonplace in the business environment that you’d be hard-pressed to find any organization that doesn’t take advantage of cloud computing in some form or another. In a competitive industry, the small business needs all of the help it can get, and the cloud delivers.

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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(954) 575-3992